Study early childhood level 5.
This course is the first course we offer, it is the equivalent to the first year of a Bachelor degree. To enrol in the Level 6 you need to complete the Level 5 first. The course has 4 modules; Biculturalism, Learning & Development, Inclusive Practice and Professional Practice. For each module there are written assessments as well as field based key teaching tasks that need to be completed, Weekly forums are mandatory to promote teina/tuakana learning within the learning cohort.
Field Based component
14 hours per week must take place in a licensed early childhood service.
1 x 4 week in-home field based block (35 hours per week).
Supervised: - the learner will have a suitable qualified/experienced supervising/supporting mentor who will assess the student’s practice against requirements. For students in a licensed based service, supervision will be an Associate Tutor belonging to the service, and a visiting tutor from Bodhi. Those students in a home-based situation will be mentored by an Associate Tutor from Bodhi Ltd, who will also act as their visiting tutor.
ECE setting – this must be a recognised early childhood education (ECE) service, which may include a certificated playgroup or a licensed centre-based service, parent-led service, hospital-based service, home-based service; or culturally-based environment. The home-based service may be the child’s own home, or the home of the educator.